More Poor Richard | Part 9

More Poor Richard, Part 9
by Dr. Mark David Major, AICP, CNU-A, The Outlaw Urbanist contributor

Courteous Reader,

I attempted to win your favor when I wrote my first Almanac for Architects and Planners, in the name of the public good and professional betterment, by way of earning some profit and a wife. I am gratified by your expression of encouragement for my tireless efforts dedicated to these aims. Alas, my circumstances still find me exceedingly poor and, unluckily, exceedingly wifeless. I am required to earn some profit to address both problems whilst now addressing a third, namely testing the proposition that insanity is “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” To satisfy my own particular brand of insanity, I have written more proverbs and whimsical sayings for your benefit and, hopefully, my own.

As before on The Outlaw Urbanist, I write this new Almanac in increments of ten, according to the dictates of Moses and the Almighty. However, once published as an Almanac for Architects and Planners, the proverbs and witticisms were gathered into a number equal to the days of the week, after being reliably informed that both seven and ten are sacred numbers. My desired requirement for a wife is sufficient motive to write this new Almanac in the hope it will find your favor and retweets as a means of demonstrating the usefulness of my continued efforts but also your charity to this sane Friend and poor Servant,


On History

81.      The media always seems to report about the tip of the wrong iceberg.

82.       History is always expanding, never contracting.

83.       History is inevitable but nothing in history ever was…

84.       Stable states will destabilize over time.

85.       Unstable states tend to remain unstable until stabilized over time into recognizable patterns.

86.       Stabilized patterns persistent through time tend to persist until destabilized.

87.       The present always views the past with arrogance and the future with ignorance.

88.       Ignorance of the past leads to its repetition.

89.       Arrogance about the future condemns those who have to live in it.

90.       History is never permanent, always in transition.

Issue 10 of More Poor Richard for Architects and Planners cometh soon!

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